Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Devotion + 18 October 2010

NJB Luke 18:1 Then he told them a parable about the need to pray continually and never lose heart.
There is a good reason Jesus told his disciples to continually pray. Life is not easy, there are times when we experience hardship, pain, loss; there are times when we become aggravated, frustrated, frightened or anxious. Jesus knew the disciples, as they engaged in ministry, would face such difficulties. We are called to be followers of Jesus - if we accept this call to proclaim the Gospel, to live the Gospel - as Jesus' disciples, we can expect our share of difficulties in doing this, on top of all the difficulties of engaging in living life we normally encounter. Jesus spent much time in prayer as the Gospels tell us. Jesus knew the power of prayer for him in discerning where and how God was calling him; Jesus grew in his relationship with God through prayer. Jesus shares with us this gift of prayer and urges us to use it. God will always hear us. We believe and trust this by faith, that God hears us when we are in prayer with God. God is not the unjust judge in this parable from Luke. The unjust judge finally gave in to the persistent widow. God wants us to be persistent in prayer, but unlike the unjust judge - God will always hear us when we come to our Creator in prayer. We can unburden ourselves before the Lord God Almighty. God can take it and God can handle it when we are angry, hurt, confused, disappointed. We can let go and let God deal with it, especially during the times when we can't. Because when we don't, we can act out our frustration, our anger, our pain; we lash out at others, others who are just innocent of any wrongdoing. Prayer makes a difference in our lives. Prayer can help us diffuse our anger and pain so we do not lash out at others. Prayer changes our attitudes towards those who we care about, about events or situations that concern us, prayer changes us in our attitudes towards those who may aggravate us. Prayer makes a difference for us and those for whom we pray. Prayer changes us; Jesus tells us to use pray continually in our lives.
We pray: Lord you extend this invitation to us of prayer, persistent, continual prayer. Help us to make use of this gift. Help us to unburden ourselves to you O Lord. You alone O Lord, will take the time to hear us and be with us, when no one else will or can. Forgive us when we ignore such a loving gift of your willingness to hear us always. As we engage in prayer with you Lord, help us to change, help us to grow our relationship with you, so we willingly, continually and persistently come to you and offer our thoughts, concerns, our hurts. In your Holy Name we pray. Amen.

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