Since Susan and I have moved to Montana, we have met a few ranchers and learned about the faith filled but precarious business of ranching. Ranchers raising cattle or sheep faithfully care for the animals in their charge. Animal husbandry is part and parcel of the make up of a successful rancher. They are very attached to the animals in their care. If they want to be successful as a rancher, they have to be attentive to the cattle or sheep they care for. Ranchers monitor the weather and work to protect new born calves or lambs from the elements. They check the pastures to insure the animals are able to eat nutritious grass and have access to water. The one thing ranchers are continually on the watch for are predators who would prey upon their animals, especially the new born. Coyotes, mountain lions, bears and as of late wolves, are a threat to the animals a rancher cares for; they are a threat to a ranchers livelihood. Isaiah is telling us of what to expect when the Messiah comes and initiates the reign of the Kingdom of God. This reign will be transformational for all of creation. There will be no predation of one animal against another. I dare say it would be very hard for a rancher to ever believe that the wolf would dwell with the lamb, that the mountain lion, bear and calf would lie down together - and no harm would come to the lamb or the calf. Just as astounding and unbelievable for us to accept would be that a little child will them. Yet this is what happens. We are awaiting the coming of our Messiah. Our Messiah will come to us as a child born in dire circumstances. This is the child that will lead us to the Kingdom of God. Our Messiah - Jesus, has come to us once and we wait for him to return again. We are in the mean time of almost but not yet; the Kingdom of God has not yet fully arrived. Coyotes, mountain lions, bears and wolves still prey upon lambs and calves. Ranchers continue to protect and defend their animals. The promise of a child to come and lead us has been fulfilled for us and we believe. We continue to believe and hope that Jesus will return again and the reign of God will come - the wolf will live with the lamb, the lion and the calf will lie down together. With anticipation, we wait and we hope for that day when sin is forever banished from creation and our Messiah reigns.
We pray: Most merciful Lord, we struggle each and every day against sin. There are times when we resist and there are times when we sin. Forgive us when we sin, help us to resist temptation and follow where you lead. Sustain us with the hope of your return and the ushering in of your reign where there will be no more sin. In your Holy Name we pray. Amen.
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