Thursday, April 4, 2013

ILC Devotion - 25 February 2013

Immanuel Lutheran Church Weekly Devotion
Monday 25 February 2013
RSV 1 Corinthians 10:13 - No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
This is one of the more abused passages of scripture. The New Revised Standard Version substitutes the word test for tempt - this makes a big difference in how we understand and regard this passage of scripture. The original Greek uses the word: peirasmo.j it can be used as both test, tempt or trial. Here is where translation and word choice is very critical as to how we regard this text. For me, there is a big difference between being tested and being tempted. When we are tested we are evaluated - how well did we perform; were we properly prepared; did we successfully learn? Being tempted is not the same as being tested. Temptation is an allurement, an urge to capitulate, give in to this desire which would deviate us from our desired goal or direction we choose to take.

So how is this passage of scripture abused? If you use the NRSV version and have this idea of being tested, and you offer counseling to someone who is suffering any of life’s trial’s and tribulations - God becomes the stern taskmaster teacher, critically evaluating our performance regarding the test we are suffering. If someone is suffering from cancer, if they lost their job, if their child was injured, if as a couple they are going through a divorce - is it helpful to them to say God is testing them and that God will not let you be tested beyond what you can endure? If I were on the receiving end of such counseling I would say, “I don’t want God to test me. I didn’t sign up to be tested.” But if they counsel me not to be tempted, what is the temptation I face? Am I tempted to ask God, “why me?” Am I tempted to turn away from God, when I am in the greatest need of having God with me? It boils down to these questions: Is life a test? Or, is life a path I journey, am I being tempted to deviate from the way to God? I believe there are many temptations in this world both great and small that try to lure me from the path leading to God. The devil is always lurking waiting for a weak moment when we can be lured off the path away from experiencing a full relationship with God. I earnestly pray to God for guidence and strength, help me resist anything that would lure me from my journey with God. The temptation is to believe God has abandoned us. God does not test us or tempt us; God promises through Jesus, to be with us and lead us on the way.
We pray: We are so easily diverted and led astray. Help us resist - help us turn away from temptation and turn and follow where you lead. May we never doubt your being with us when we are most in need of your presence with us. In Your Holy Name we pray. Amen.

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